Haritaki or Kadukaai (Terminalia chebula), the wonder drug
Haritaki or Kadukaai (Terminalia chebula) is a wonder drug, finding its place in a wide range of therapeutic usage in the Ayurveda system of medicine.
‘’I tell you guys this is the most powerful spiritual cleanser. I wanted to give you the title. Not just body cleanser. Because the oxygen level in the body increases 300%, it directly works on your non-mechanical parts of the brain. When the non-mechanical parts of the brain gets awakened, then all the spiritual truths are understood you will be able to grasp all the spiritual truths and live.’’
“The oxygen level in the blood increases to 300%. The whole stomach gets cleansed. That is one thing. The main thing is the whole blood becomes pure. 300% oxygen means equivalent to 2 hours of Pranayama.
Your whole ulcer gets healed. The stomach has subtle small ulcers. The whole ulcer gets healed. Mouth ulcer, stomach ulcer, gets healed. And the oxygen level in the blood drastically increases’’
- SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam
Nothing like Haritaki. That is the really nectar from Devaloka
When to Take ?
Just before going to bed.
Optional — You can repeat intake in morning, or anytime during the day to regulate body heat, and clean up the stomach.
Availability :
At Nithyananda Gallerias worldwide, or at Ayurvedic, herbal medical store